Sustainable Beauty Awards, 23rd October 2024, Paris

Sustainability Pioneer

Commemorating Visionaries

This award celebrates operators undertaking pioneering activities to advance sustainability in the beauty industry. They could be pioneers in sustainable raw materials, production methods, new processes, resource efficiency, social aspects, etc.


  • Sustainability pioneer activities initiated within the last three years
  • Pioneer activities make an impact in the beauty industry
  • Some evidence of pioneering activity

Judging Criteria:

  • Pioneer assessment: Evaluating the pioneering activities.
  • Measurable Impact: Assessing the positive and quantifiable outcomes resulting from the pioneering activities.
  • Scalability & Replication: Considers the potential for the pioneering activities to be adopted and scaled by others within the industry.
  • Inspiration & Leadership: Recognises the potential of the activities to inspire and motivate others to take similar steps.


  • Industry Recognition: Get wider recognition of your sustainability credentials
  • Competitive Advantage: Stand out from your rivals by highlighting your sustainability award
  • Marketing: Communicate your winning achievement to partners and customers
  • New Customers: Garner new customers by communicating your sustainability award

Key Dates:

  • Entry Deadline: 20th Sep 2024
  • Finalists Listed: 7th Oct 2024
  • Winners Announcement:  23rd October 2024 (Sustainable Beauty Awards Reception)

To Learn more about the Sustainable Beauty Awards